What inspired you to participate in LP4Y?

As a father and coming from a privileged background, I've always felt a strong desire to give back. Seeing young adults who haven't had the same luck in life, I realized that if I can give a little of my time to help, that's great. LP4Y's unique approach of encouraging youth to take their future into their own hands resonates deeply with me—it's the dream of any parent to see their children empowered in this way.

If you could describe LP4Y in one word, what would it be and why?

Empowerment. LP4Y gives the youth the opportunity to take their destiny into their own hands. It's not about giving them rules and norms to follow but providing them with a toolbox they are free to use to carve their own paths.

If you could play tennis with any historical figure/celebrity to raise awareness for LP4Y, who would it be? Why?

I would choose Rishi Sunak. He is inspiring for the youth, having come from humble origins with parents who worked hard to help him all the way to becoming the Prime Minister. His journey is the type of path we would like for the youth we help.

What does it mean to you to support LP4Y?

Supporting LP4Y means giving a chance to those who want to get out of misery. Marginalised and excluded youth aren't less capable just because they were born in harsh conditions—in fact, they are often more capable because they have survived such challenges. LP4Y provides these young people with the opportunity to make their own path; we just help them get on it.

What is your favourite quote that you think aligns with LP4Y’s mission?

I think of Roger Federer’s Dartmouth speech where he talks about talent. He mentions that talent isn’t a given; you have to work on it, and the environment is key. It's hard to develop talent when you come from a slum or harsh conditions. LP4Y is here to take off the "weight" of misery and provide an environment where talent can flourish.

What is your favourite success story from LP4Y’s programmes?

One of the things I find most compelling about LP4Y is how it creates a direct link with local communities in a WIN-WIN relationship that is self-sustaining. LP4Y mainly supports women, which is particularly important. We bring solutions to the youth by giving them opportunities to make their own paths.

How has working with LP4Y impacted your view on charity and community involvement?

LP4Y, as a group, is filled with good-willed people who have a genuine desire to do well in simplicity and frugality. There's little waste and a big impact. This experience has reinforced my belief in the importance of community involvement and the powerful difference it can make when we support each other.

Life Project 4 Youth, England is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177577.
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